Saturday, February 23, 2008

5 pieces of advice for the beginning of your weight loss experience

1. The first step: adopt healthier eating habits. It is not only about looking good, it’s about feeling good as well!This is proven for long term health and fat loss while removing the strain of dieting itself.You must think in advance as well.What happens when you stop dieting?getting fat again?No, eat healthy all the tome and it will be ok.You can maintain your looks and you will be healthy as well.

2. When preparing meat, trim the fat or skin off it.Don’t use a lot of oil in your cooking because it is very high in everything that makes you get fat..keep it as healthy as possible.If you find it too less in taste, add rice or something similar.

3. Find someone to share your goals with. It would be perfect if you find a diet friend.It is easier like this when you can tell somebody the goals you reached or s,it is more motivating.As an alternative, keep a weight loss journal.It makes you track everything down, makes you committed to yourself and of course, you can release a lot of stress by using it.When you have to write about your process every day, it makes you more aware of it and so, more responsible.

4. Again, don’t concentrate on weight loss, but on fat loss.that is your problem,muscles get harder so you will weigh more after the first weeks.Remember that muscles burn calories so they are good to have.Don’t get yourself starved and don’t skip meals. If you wait more than 4 hours your metabolism starts to slow down.

5. Don’t get scared when you see that you gained weight by exercising,instead of losing it. Muscles get harder and weigh more after sport.That doesn’t mean that you get fat!You must be active, And if you don't exercise your body will more likely use muscle for energy rather than fat. Aerobic exercise burns fat! Starvation eats up muscle!

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